I understand that some patients would not be comfortable with me providing care in their home. I additionally provide services at my location in Moon Township at 533 Carnot Road, Moon Township, Pa. 15108
To ensure privacy and patient safety only one patient at a time will be seen, your entire visit will be spent face-to-face with Dr. Buncke.
There will be no travel fee assessed for visits to my Moon location and due to the nature of my practice no walk-ins will be seen. If you are in the area and wish to be seen just send a text message and if I am available please feel free to come in for treatment.
For the comfort of my patients if my office door is closed I am most likely with a patient so I ask you to please wait patiently or send me a text message letting me know that you are here.
The office is located near the Dunkin’ Donuts on Beaver Grade Road.